Thursday, November 25, 2004

Pliiisss deh

Sore itu aku sms-an ama Bara, seharusnya malam nanti janjian ketemu buat nerusin obrolan kemarin soal development proyek. Kerna lagi suntuk banget, saya berpikiran untuk kerja over a nice cup of coffee somewhere.

Bara, nanti ke rumah jam 7 malem ya, kita terus ke citos yuk... puyeng gue...
sms delivered

Jam 7 Bara datang, terus kita jalan ke Citos naik taksi. Dandananku malam itu sangat 'polos' alias hanya menggunakan tshirt hitam, celana kargo, sandal japit hitam, dan tas ransel. Kata anak-anak, aku kaya anak abg, habis tidak pakai make up sama sekali, polos (atau buluk?).
Sesampainya di Citos, kita akhirnya ke Starbucks dan beli 2 minuman yang kita sukai, lalu duduk di luar, dan mulai ngomongin kerjaan, sambil ngeliatin dan ngementarin orang lewat.Setelah 2 jam kemudian, Bara sibuk dengan sms hpnya. Sampai dia bilang, kalau
temannya mau join. "Ok", kataku.

5 menit kemudian, sementara aku masih berbicara dengan Bara, matanya membesar menuju ke belakangku. Karena aku curiga, maka aku terdiam, dan tidak lama kemudian, dua sosok perempuan yang umurnya saya taksir jauh di bawah saya, yang berdandan ala 'sangat metropolitan' langsung menghampiri meja kami, dan langsung berbicara dengan Bara dengan tampang tidak bersahabat, dan tidak memperdulikan saya.

Sampai akhirnya Bara dengan tampangnya yang culun langsung memperkenalkan diri saya kepada mereka.
"Oh iya, Ini Imel". Aku tersenyum ramah.
Mereka membalas dengan ogah-ogahan.

Singkat cerita, 'aura' malam itu sangat tidak mengenakkan, apalagi sewaktu sang 'tuan putri' bertanya dengan keras, "jadi mbak datang jauh-jauh hanya untuk ketemu sama Bara?". "Oh, iya...", kataku. "Kenapa? ADA MASALAH?", jawabku sambil menatap tajam ke matanya yang bagus itu. Dia yang mendapat tatapanku bak panah peperangan yang dilepaskan langsung bereaksi yang sama sekali tidak saya duga. "eh.. eh.. emm... oooo tidakkk.. tidakkk...", balasnya sambil melambaikan tangan tanda 'tidak'. Pembicaraan akhirnya terputus seketika, dan tuan putri sibuk berbicara dengan Bara.

Setelah hampir setengah jam saya 'dianggurin', akhirnya saya berkata, "Kayanya udah rada malam, saya harus pulang karena besok pagi-pagi sekali saya harus ke Bogor. Saya pamitan dulu ya". Bara kaget dan berpaling kepada saya, dan menahan saya, "Mel... kita pulang barengan". Kedua perempuan yang mendengar hal tersebut sangat terkejut mendengar keputusan Bara, dan semua melongo. Saya yang tidak mempunyai maksud apa-apa bertanya untuk meyakinkan Bara, bener? kalo nggak, aku pulang sekarang aja, motormu ambil aja di rumah".

Gile ye perempuan-perempuan itu, pikir Imel... Kalo gue ga betemen baik ama Bara, pasti deh tuh kontrak gue sobek-sobek! iiih... anak-anak muda jaman sekarang nih ye, suka ngeliat tampang luar doang, ga punya tata krama, sopan santun! ... ga tau ya, kalo gue ini siapa! Emosi serta egois Imel menderu-deru. Don't judge a book by its cover bener banget!

Image taken and edited by Tolelojing
Catatan: Tulisan ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan kuliner.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Punya Tattoo?
iya, tattoo... rajah di badan

ga boleh ya?
takut jarum ya?
norak ya?
preman ya?

punya dong!
lebih dari tiga malahan!
keren, lagi!
its a piece of art...

Sandra berpendapat kalau mereka yang bertattoo tuh cool, cuman ga mungkin ngebuat untuk dirinya sendiri. Takut kulitnya yang bening dan licin itu rusak, jadi ga mulus lagi.

Marina takut jarum, jadi end of story.

Imel punya dua tattoo, tribal bunga mawar dan kawat berduri di pergelangan kaki, dan bunga mawar merah di pundak kanan atas. Mungkin mau nambah lagi. Imel ngerasa buat tattoo itu sebuah addiction.

Bara ga kepikiran mau buat tattoo -- "ngapain" katanya. Orang poninya aja udah bisa dipakai sebagai daya tarik.

Oliver punya tattoo, tribal di lengan kiri, dan sayap di punggung bawah. Dan bangganya minta ampun. Karena punya tattoo itu, jadi kalo pas difoto sama agency-nya, tattoo nya selalu ditampakkan. Tapi emang sih, tattoonya keren, dan buat Oliver tambah ganteng.

Bagas, si kalem, ternyata punya tattoo! Tattoo kecil yang dibuat pada waktu Bagas masih 'young and selfish', di punggung tangan kirinya, gambarnya 'ying and yang'.

Rommy berpendapat bahwa tattoo yang banyak dimiliki oleh klien-kliennya keren-keren. Namun apa daya, ada yang tidak memperbolehkannya membuat tattoo.

Bagaimana dengan pendapat anda pribadi?

Image taken by Whiskey Lima

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

You are so Sexy Babe...

Pada suatu sore Imel berpikir mengenai apa sih artinya 'sexy'. Akhirnya siang itu, Imel bertanya kepada teman-temannya via yahoo messanger tentang pendapat mereka pribadi tentang artinya 'sexy' itu.

raindrops and papa_alpha
papa-alpha, co, 36 thn. duda.

papa_alpha: Ow... ok, pakaian mini, diatas dengkul 15 cm, kalo terlalu atas malah terkesan jijay..., P***dara kelihatan 1/3 bagian..., Betis indah, Mulus gak panuan dan gak ada codet, Kalo saat ini aku suka yang putih, karena udah bosen dengan yang hitam
raindrops: jadi hanya melulu soal fisik?
papa_alpha: Saat ini, ya... Kalo soal kelakuan, kayak iklan apa.. ya, yang joged nya sexy. Buat Laki, SEXY itu hanya fisik nya aja yang dilihat. Karena mereka pikir, dalam lainnya mereka lebih baik dari cewek

raindrops and lemariku_berad
lemari_berad, co, 28 thn. single.

lemariku_berad: mata...buled, belo.., kadang seksi... bibir aja... bibir yg senyuman nya mirip manggis retak
raindrops: opo iku manggis retaaakkk
raindrops: jadi hanya melulu soal fisik?
lemariku_berad: pernah sih ada yg bilang perilaku nya bikin keliatan dia seksi.. pas nyanyi... pas nari.. pas nyapu.. tapi kayaknya rada bullshit deh. sexy itu mutlak fisik...

raindrops and thecutest
thecutest, ce, 30 thn. single.

thecutest: sexy is...when a guy tries to communicate w/ baby.
thecutest: when he looks deep into my heart..
thecutest: when he listens to me attentively, and his finger playing with my hair
thecutest: ps. cwo sexy scr fisik nurut gw, yg badannya proporsional, ga berotot, kulit kecoklatan, baru shaving, masi bau sabun abis mandi..
thecutest: sexy mnrt gw ga fisik si
thecutest: ni kalo kt temen gue:
thecutest: cewe sexy itu
your_uncle: 1. tinggi min 170
your_uncle: 2. rambut panjang lewat bahu
your_uncle: 3. putih
your_uncle: 4. asian look
thecutest: 5. badan berisi (gak krempeng)
thecutest: masi dari uncle: thecutest: omongan nyambung ama humoris
raindrops: iya.. cowo maksudnya, jadi biasa.. even perempuan juga bisa berpikiran begitu
thecutest: your_uncle: miss perfect sih sophia latjuba or pingkan ratu bagi gw, kalo gw kadang ngrasa sexy kalo pake selop tali-tali high heels.., cewek sexy kalo ketawa lepasnya nggak nyeremin tapu juga lepas gitu
thecutest: makanya abis itu gw tanya, kalo sexy bukan diliat dari fisik, spt apa?
thecutest: baru dia jawb yg ttg ketawa lepas, sama humoris.

raindrops and matrix
matrix, co, 32 thn. single.

matrix: what is sexy of girls in front of man's eyes?
raindrops: yes
matrix: face, body, br***t and legs
raindrops: anything else?
matrix: for me those 4 items. for other men's eyes maybe they like the girl's attitude and voice.

raindrops and i_am_old_enough
i_am_old_enough, co, 45 thn. married.

raindrops: jadi sexy menurut mu apa, pak tua?
i_am_old_enough: sexy... lebih kearah komunikasi
raindrops: ok, komunikasi yang kaya apa
i_am_old_enough: yang merangsang, patung misale, biso sexy, tapi kan meneng ae, dadi kalah karo wedok sederhana sing iso komunikasi, sing penting komunikasine
raindrops: ok deh, ada yang fisik ga
i_am_old_enough: P***dara, pinggul yang pas komposisinya
cara bergerak (the way she moves), tapi yang paling peting yang bukan fisik. 40% fisik

raindrops and housemusiq
housemusiq, ce, 30 thn. married.

housemusiq: mmm, kalo menurut aku ya? dua2nya sama tuh, sexy itu buat aku ya, smart, bisa bawa diri dalam pergaulan

raindrops and bajaj
bajaj, co, 25 thn. single.

bajaj: bentuk tubuh lah, shape
raindrops: ok
raindrops: hanya fisik saja?
bajaj: yap

raindrops and alien_in_NY
alien_in_NY, co, 35 thn. married.

alien_in_NY: ya segala sesuatu yg dilihat dr seseorang yg membuat aku jadi kepengen.....hehehehe
alien_in_NY: kalau liat ce dgn baju yg ketat sehingga bentuk br***tnya keliatan dgn jelas
alien_in_NY: kalau bukan fisik biasanya menyangkut intelegensia yg keliatan tapi tidak sengaja ditonjolkan oleh si ce
alien_in_NY: ini biasanya keliatan dr obrolan
raindrops: ok
raindrops: itu bisa kamu kategorikan sebagai sexy?
alien_in_NY: kombinasi intelegensia dgn manja.....

raindrops and lut_jkt
lut_jkt, co, 35 thn. married.

lut_jkt: sexy itu smart, ya sexy itu kalau tuk fisik.... yang indah-2 & enak dilihat
raindrops: seperti...?
lut_jkt: dari gaya juga bisa diartikan sexy
raindrops: gaya apa
lut_jkt: misalnya , matanya bagus, hidung, lips, rambut, body dlsbnya, ngga enak kalau saya sebut satu-persatu, maksud saya, misalnya dari gaya bicara. wah banyak deh , jadi ngga perlu cantik tuk jadi sexy itu

raindrops and air_sea_land
air_sea_land, ce, 35 thn. married.

air_sea_land: gue ngeliat co wok itu sexy kalooo ..
raindrops: ce dan co
air_sea_land: berbadan tegap, berisi (bukan berotot loh ..), terus doi baru nimbul dari kolam renang, dengan rambut dan muka basah ... =P~
raindrops: ceileeee
raindrops: kalo ce?
air_sea_land: kalo ce itu sexy ..badannya berisi (sekali lagi bukan berotot), ramah, luwes, dan down to earth. Kalo cantik itu berarti bonus ..
air_sea_land: klo cowok ... dia setia, bertanggung jawab ..santun, ramah ..

raindrops and ok_lho
ok_lho, ce, 32 thn. single.

ok_lho: guys who is smart with good sense of humor
raindrops: bentuk fisik ada?
ok_lho: ohh yg body ok dgn dada bidang perut kotak2??
raindrops: terserah kamu
ok_lho: ya itu lah
raindrops: okdehhh
raindrops: tengs berats tanteee
ok_lho: and have a good sense of dressing
raindrops: ok
raindrops: kalo cewe?
ok_lho: yg kayak beyonceee
ok_lho: nggak kurus tp sexy

Emang sih, setiap orang punya pendapat pribadi soal apa itu 'sexy'. Tapi Imel mempunyai kesimpulan bahwa pendapat pribadi mereka sangat tipikal tergantung dari jenis kelamin, umur, serta latar belakang.
Tapi, pikir Imel lagi... berarti gue ga masuk tipikal sexy dong, abis ga ada yang vote buat gue :))

*Semua nick ym hanyalah rekayasa, jika ada kesamaan nick ym, itu hanya kebetulan.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Tips on How to Read Body Language

Most experts agree that it takes us less than 5 minutes to decide if we are attracted to someone.

55% of the message we get from someone comes through our body language
38% is from the tone, speed and inflection of our voice
and a pathetic 7% is from what we're actually saying!

First impressions

This doesn't mean you can get away with droning on about your passion for bird watching or your stamp collection indefinitely, however content is crucial later on, but it does mean you need to get the body language right immediately or they won't bother to stick around to find out how fascinating you are.

If you're not feeling self-conscious by now, you should be. To make you completely paranoid, here's another frightening thought. Before you've even spoken to the person you've got your eye on, the way you've walked and stood is more than 80% of their first impression of you!

We make what seems like outrageous snap judgments about people but the fact is, almost every facet of our personality is evident from our appearance, posture and the way we move.

So, how do we tell if our body is sending the right signals - and (more importantly) how to read theirs? Let your body do the talking by learning to recognize:

The 5 secret sexual signals that someone is flirting with you

1. The flirting triangle

When we look at people we're not close to (in a business situation for instance), our eyes make a zigzag motion: we look from eye to eye and across the bridge of the nose.

With friends, the look drops below eye level and moves into a triangle shape: we look from eye to eye but also look down to include the nose and mouth.

Once we start flirting, the triangle gets even bigger - it widens at the bottom to include the the body. The more intense the flirting, the more intensely we'll look from one eye to eye - and the more time we'll spend looking at their mouth.

If someone is watching your mouth while you're talking to them, it's very, very sexy because you can't help but think I wonder if they're imagining what it would be like to kiss me. Which is usually exactly what they are thinking, if they're looking intently at your mouth!

2. Mirroring

This is what separates a good flirt from a great flirt: nothing will bond you more instantly or effectively than mirroring someone's behavior. This simply means you do whatever it is they do. If they lean forward to tell you something intimate, you lean in to meet them. If they sit back to take a sip of their drink and look you in the eye, you take a sip of your drink and do the same. They sit with their chin cupped in their hands, so do you.

The idea behind mirroring is that we like people who are like us. If someone is doing what we're doing, we feel they're on the same level as us and in the same mood as we are.

Two no-no's with this one though: only mirror positive body language; and secondly, capture the spirit rather than imitating them like a monkey at the zoo. As a general rule, wait around 50 seconds before following their gestures.

3. The eyebrow flash

When we first see someone we're attracted to, our eyebrows rise and fall. If they are equally attracted to us, they raise their eyebrows in return. Never noticed? It's not surprising since the whole thing lasts about a fifth of a second!

We're not consciously aware of doing it, but it's a gesture that is duplicated by every culture on earth. In fact, some experts claim it's the most instantly recognized non-verbal sign of friendly greeting in the world.

The trick is to watch for it when you meet someone new you are interested in. Even better, tell them you're interested on a subconscious level by extending your eyebrow flash for up to one second - deliberately raise them while catching their eye for full impact.

4. Pointing

Sneak a peek at what their feet and hands are doing - we tend to point toward the person we're interested in. If we find someone attractive, we'll often point at them subconsciously with our hands arms, feet, legs, toes.

Again, it's an unconscious indicator to make our intentions known. Unconsciously, this is often picked up by the other person, without them really knowing why.

So if you've got your eye on the individual in the corner, point your body in their direction - even if you don't make eye contact, they'll get the hint you're interested.

5. Blinking

If someone likes what they see, their pupil size increases and so does their blink rate. If you want to up the odds in your favor, try increasing the blink rate of the person you're talking to, by blinking more yourself. If the person likes you, they'll unconsciously try to match your blink rate to keep in sync with you, which in turn, makes you both feel more attracted to each other!

Now, one final word before you go rushing off to the nearest bar to practice all this. Before you go, you must understand...

The golden rule of body language

Don't ever judge on one thing alone. Sitting with your arms crossed often means you're protecting yourself emotionally and shutting out the other person. But it might also mean you're freezing cold, you're having a fat day or just spilt coffee all over your top!

Don't jump to conclusions; instead look for clusters of behavior. If someone has their arms crossed and they're frowning and leaning backward to create as much space between you as possible and their lips are pursed disapprovingly, it's a fairly safe bet they are on the defensive.

Most body language experts favor the 'Rule of Four' which means look for at least four body language signals saying the same thing before totally believing it.


Don't shut your Heart

A comment which i had posted to a friend's blog, actually she has a similar feeling as i, the time i was hurt.

sometime they make our world colorfull, but sometimes they just take the colors away.
But thats what makes the world go round.
Doesn't it?

don't shut your heart.
open it wide.
all ups and downs make you strong afterwards.
if you close it now, i won't be able to enter, and be your true friend :)

...."nobody's perfect"

------------------ [copy post begins here ] ---------------


once i was very close to a friend.
at first i looked up to this person.
i see this person was a sophisticated person. a role model.

time after time,
i guess i saw wrong.

after a tiny missunderstanding, which i intend to finish it with an apology, wasn't taken - although i didnt think i should have apologize, because i wasn't wrong!
this person never tried to open a conversation to me, which i've had tried once.
for a good deed's sake

after i became objective to this person (seeing everything out the box), i agree that such personality will change any value.
there are no wrong religion
there are no wrong value
there are no wrong decision
it always depends on how one looks at it.

it doesnt have to take a PhD or a Professor to judge whats right or wrong
it doesnt mean that PhDs are better than a high school student
it depends on the way one looks at and deal with it
it depends on one's background, value of life, environment

and what happened to this friend of mine?
although some friends tells me that this person is a 'wierd' type of person, a bossy and a role model-wanna be
but still, i value my good deeds.
you are right sis,
you can refuse to see, but can't refuse to feel.
Just try to forgive, although you can't forget.
that's what i did.
this person is still my friend, regardless im not to this person anymore.

*its always hard to find a person who always do things what they say.
even in an advanced diving course text book you can find "do as i say, don't do as i do"

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

semalem ujan!

asik banget
setelah 3 minggu kepanasan
bangun tidur keluar kamar keringetan
duduk di teras keringetan
kerja di kebun keringetan
bengong ga ngapa-ngapain keringetan
malem abis mandi keringetan

hujan juga!

bangun tidur keluar kamar hawa bersih
duduk di teras menghirup udara bersih
kerja dikebun dengan 'kepala bersih'
bengong ga ngapa-ngapain memandangi langit bersih
tapi ...
belum ampe malem, ... kan nulisnya pagi!

seger bener badan ini,
ga loyo seperti yang sudah-sudah
langit biru langit cerah,
kuucapkan terimakasih kepada Sang Pencipta.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

kenapa sih hari ini?

pernah ga,
ngerasain semua pada hari itu 'just not right'?
seperti misalnya...
not right, pas ngomong - bawaannya salah ngomooong terus
not right, suasananya - kayanya kemana pun pergi rasanya ga 'pas'
dan ga not right yang lainnya.

hari ini nih... rasanya not right aja buat saya
tapi lebih ke bicara sih...
di depan leptop buat report sembari sekali-sekali ngobrol di ym.
reportnya mah ok banget, produktif bener...
tapi di ym nya itu lho...
kok setiap saya ngomong selalu ga pas...
gile bener...
[dan ngeh-nya setelah di 'enter']

ya udahlah
hopefully hari ini cepet pergi, dan besok semuanya baik lagi
a 'blah' day for me, hopefully won't be yours next

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

m a a f

pernahkah anda tidak dimaafkan oleh seseorang?
dulu saya pernah menjadi seseorang itu.
dengan tinggi hati saya tidak mau memaafkan.
makin bertambahnya usia, untuk apa sih kita menambah musuh?
akhirnya setelah sekian tahun, aku menghubungi orang itu, dan memohon maaf.

sakit hati yang berada di belakang rasa puas karena tidak memaafkan itu bisa menggerogoti kita dari dalam. Capai benar rasanya.

mengapa kita nggak mau memaafkan?
we are just human.
Sang Pencipta saja mau memaafkan, terus kenapa kita tidak?
who are we?

apa yang terjadi kalau seandainya anda yang menjadi seseorang yang tidak dimaafkan?
kalau saya yang tidak dimaafkan, hanya bisa mendoakan supaya semuanya cepat baik
dan i wish them well.
again, we are just humans.
selalu akan melakukan kesalahan.

beruntunglah saya yang dikelilingi teman-teman yang baik
yang mau menerima saya sebagaimana adanya
juga yang mau memaafkan saya sewaktu saya berbuat salah dan menyakiti mereka.
saya hanya berharap, bagi semua yang pernah berbagi dengan saya,
dilindungi oleh Sang Pencipta. Amin.